Beyond the Radar

Mysteries of the paranormal and explore the unexplained phenomena that captivate our imaginations



Podcasting plaftoms


🎙️ Tune in to our inaugural episode on April 18th at 6pm


Welcome to Beyond the Radar, the premier destination for those who dare to explore the unexplained mysteries that lie just outside the reach of conventional understanding. Our show delves into the enigmatic world of the paranormal, bringing you the latest news, intriguing stories, and expert analysis from the fringes of science and beyond.

At Beyond the Radar, we’re not just observers; we’re passionate investigators committed to uncovering the truth behind the phenomena that captivate our imagination. From UFO sightings and otherworldly encounters to cryptids and supernatural events, we leave no stone unturned in our quest for answers.

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Connect with us on all our social platforms and become a part of the ‘Beyond the Radar’ family. Your insights and stories could be featured on our next show!

MEET Tom Cahue

Tom Cahue is a charismatic and enigmatic figure in the world of paranormal news. As a seasoned podcast host and author, Tom brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective to his audience. His background in media and writing, combined with his passion for uncovering the mysteries of the supernatural, make him an engaging and authoritative voice in the field.

With a keen interest in AI and memory technology, Tom explores the intersection of the unknown and the cutting-edge, often pondering the profound impact of AI on humanity. His shows are a blend of intrigue and insight, where he navigates through tales of psychics, mediums, and unexplained phenomena, inviting listeners to question the reality that surrounds them.

Tom's creative flair is evident in his ventures, from naming UFO and paranormal news shows to designing logos that capture the essence of the enigmatic.

In the realm of IT consulting, Tom's vision is to bridge the gap between technology and the supernatural, offering solutions that are as innovative as they are mysterious. Whether he's discussing the latest ghost sighting or analyzing the implications of technological advancements, Tom Cahue is the quintessential guide to the paranormal landscape.

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